The housing market has crashed but most observers don't know it yet since owners have taken their property off the market instead of selling it at drastically reduced prices. The stock market has been stagnant for years and with highly leveraged hedge funds leading the way it is vulnerable to the next big negative unforeseeable event. The bond market must deal with rising interest rates and the possibility of an international sell off of staggering amounts of foreign held US government debt. The US dollar could crash at any time as current account deficits continue to flood the world with more dollars than are needed to buy our exports. Inflation is worse than the government is telling us. We are borrowing from China to fight undeclared wars in Iraq and Afganistan. Public education gets a failing grade. The government response to Katrina was as disasterous as the hurricane itself. The ponzi schemes called Social Security and Medicare are insolvent by trillions of dollars. The national debt is huge and still growing. Pension funds are worse than shaky. Our infrastructure needs major expensive repairs. The drug war is enriching drug lords and filling prisons beyond their capacities with so-called criminals who have harmed no one except usually themselves. The "war" on terror is an unsustainable drain on our financial and human resources. The world reputation of the United States has never been worse. Most people are struggling to keep their financial heads above water with no savings to fall back on as adjustable rate mortgages and large credit card balances weigh them down. Inner cities are a dangerous jungle where violent gangs flourish. The "war" on poverty has been about as successful as the "war" on drugs as the rich continue to get richer and the poor are robbed of opportunities and conditioned to tolerate dependency. Our relative economic success attracts the impoverished of the world and our only solution is to try and build a multi-billion dollar fence around the country. To add insult to injury the average taxpayer works well into May each year to pay politicians and their army of bureaucrats and police to solve the problems that previous politicians have created while they themselves create new problems that future politicians will tell us only they can correct.
The simple fact is that top down vertical control of complex social problems can never succeed. Without effective and timely negative feedback, problems get bigger and bigger creating more demand for government solutions which only creates more serious problems and a demand for even more government solutions. This is a vicious cycle which will have to stop sooner or later, one way or another. Unfortunately the rehab period will not be pleasant. But the longer we wait to start it the worse it will be.
The biggest and most rewarding challenge in life is figuring out ways to outsmart all the rascals. Its too easy just to become frustrated and angry at the "system"... "its unfair!"..."THEY are ripping us off!"..."Liars!"..."hypocrits!"...
The reasons that those in power get there and stay there are:
1. They are very good at it!
Deceit, manipulation, using others emotions against them...
2. They control the "public" (government) school system.
This feeder system molds young minds to be very receptive to government "solutions" and dictates.
3. They set the rules. (understanding how to stimulate human emotions, like fear, envy, greed and herd mentality, is quite a talent) Legislators meet to write the laws in such a way as to provide the most kick-back from certain targeted groups. Notching out a power base through pandering is the best technique for getting re-elected. Note: The laws are not written to actually solve anything but rather to enforce the need to right more laws and perpetuate the system. Government creates its own demand!
5. They exclusively print and control the money... An economic system based on stealing and counterfiting works well to keep out the competition.
6. They build jails and have legions of devoted and well armed pawns to keep them active. These pawn positions are easily filled by luring the unscrupulous into the lucrative "practice" of law. The court system is filled with those whose egos are easily massaged by the dubious granting of "authority" and power... police and judges come to mind.
7. They set up the political "game". Dividing the citizenry into two basic groups (full of various sub-groups of course) and pitting these groups against each other insures that the game will always continue... Each party takes turn as either King or Queen, swithching sides of the board periodically but always using the dispensible pawns for their political position and strategies...
Understanding who and what you are dealing with is the first step toward individual liberty. In fact, real liberty can only happen to an _individual_... there is no such thing as group liberty. This myth is called "democracy" and is perpetuated through sweeping laws, supreme court "decisions", endless regulations and yes, even military invasions of foreign countries.
Understanding this fundament is the absolute first step of real liberty.
The other steps which follow must be creative, intelligent and systematic.
Can you add to the list?...
Hello Dave,
(By the way, I really like your Blog's theme and title.)
You may not initially agree with everything I reveal, but please be a little patient with my long-winded presentation of what I have waited a very long time to be able to say. I promise to amaze and enlighten.
Now for the worst part of this horrendous equation.
Pay close attention, profundity knocks at the door, listen for the key. Be Aware! Scoffing causes blindness...
Bush, Cheney, and the NeoCons are Vatican operatives hell-bent on impoverishing and indebting the USA. Looks like their plans have worked like a charm while the brain-dead American public remains duped, deluded, and addicted to money, religion, and politics. Who says you can't fool most of the people, most of the time...
Humanity has long been deceived and deluded into thinking that money is a positive means to manage life, societies and civilizations. Chapter 2 of Revelations from the Apocalypse, Volume 1: Here is Wisdom thoroughly exposes the foundational deceptions associated with the concept of money and how it is actually a severe hardship on every aspect of life and every endeavor that must bear the burden of its unnecessary overhead and resulting stifling complexity. Money severely impedes the quality of life, society, and civilization by spawning myriad horrendous side effects (poverty, crime, wars, pollution, waste, greed, stress, etc.) which are all traced directly to its presence, purposeful shortage, and imposed requirement.
Here's a real hot potato! Eat it up, digest it, and then feed it's bones to the hungry...
Money was conceived millennia ago by the priesthood of ancient Babylon to subvert the resources and energies of entire populations for the benefit of a rich and powerful few. Chapter 2 further pierces the ages-old smoke and mirrors surrounding the scourge of money, banking and credit (usury) by exposing their core logic and common denominator math. It exposes the purposeful and well-sculpted math and logic trap imposed upon humanity by the Vatican, its ancient predecessors, and their secret-society cohorts.
It is abundantly clear that imposing money upon the entire world and then forcing people to participate in usury, pay taxes, compounding interest on national debts, and then to struggle their lives away for the sake of money, is extortion and great injustice on a grand scale. To cause suffering and despair for profit on such a grand scale can only be described as abominably evil. The time has finally arrived to demand a full accounting from the Papacy, Vatican, and all of their cohorts and chief supporters. They have no right to cause such overwhelming despair and suffering for millennia. They have no right to deceive practically everyone on such a grand scale. Why do our national leaders conspire with them and participate in such great evil while pretending to serve the Creator? Why do people still have blind faith in such obvious deceivers and their deceptions while they continue perpetrating such widespread and horrendous evil and abominations?
The time has come to wake-up and prove to these duplicitous scoundrels that you are only temporary marks and dupes.
Money: The Greatest Lie Ever Told
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