Monday, September 04, 2006

THE LAW/ by Frederic Bastiat


The purpose of law should be to protect the ownership and exchange of property not to allow people to legally rob each other. This book is as important as it is short. Every lawyer should have to pass a written exam on it before being allowed to practice.

"Natural Law and Natural Rights" by James A. Donald

"Equality: The Unknown Ideal" by Roderick Long

THE FATAL CONCEIT: The Errors of Socialism/ by F.A.Hayek

Book XI

This book shows why socialism, although appealing to our human instincts, ultimately conflicts with the natural laws of complex systems and human nature, thus the sub-title "the errors of socialism". The cost of these errors has been enormous in terms of human suffering and lost opportunities.

"Western Imperialism and the Veil" by Karen Armstrong

"Why Integrity Matters" by Butler Shaffer

"Liberty and the Atomistic Welfare State" by William L. Anderson

"Government vs. Virtue" by Robert Higgs

ECONOMICS FOR REAL PEOPLE: An Introduction to the Austrian School/ by Gene Callahan

Book IX

Mainstream economics as taught today in most colleges and universities tends to be too mathematical, abstract, and focused on aggregates to describe the real world. Austrian economics is more realistic and practical. This book is an introduction to a more interesting and useful way to study economics.

"What Is Austrian Economics?"

"An Austrian Theory of Business Cycles" by Ben Best

BIONOMICS: Economy As Ecosystem/ by Michael Rothschild


Today's mainstream economics uses a mechanical metaphor to explain the economy. According to these theories we should monitor it and repair it when necessary. Bionomics uses a biological metaphor. The economy is like a rain forest not a clock. It evolves in a complex network of interactions that cannot be predicted or controlled. You can't fix it like a clock, but you can destroy it like a rain forest.

MAKERS AND TAKERS: How Wealth and Progress Are Made and How They Are Taken Away or Prevented/ by Edmund Contoski


This book examines the history of using the economics means (production) versus the political means (plunder) for obtaining the benefits of property.

"When States Fail" by Edward Stringham

"The Truth About the 'Robber Barons' " by Thomas DiLorenzo